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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

Here is your Ah hA moment


This is going to be long but if you are a deep thinker it may be worth the read.

So lately I have been working with #mindfulart and #neuroart and I truly didn't imagine it would impact me as it has and here is what has transpired. When we let go of the #ratrace for a lack of a better world and we focus on something that brings us pleasure and focus our mind on one single thing that creates mindfulness. We tune out the crap. We may still have an inner dialog but we are more aware of what we have going on in our mind and we can change its direction if needed.

The more I spend time in this mindful state the more the outside world starts to bring me to places that are healthier and happier for me. I unconsciously let go of that which doesn't really matter without realizing it and just as when I am in my mindful state while creating the art I can see what is happening in my minds dialog and change it. It's like the state of mind we go into when we let go of the world and enter a mindful focused place comes alive in our everyday busy reality.

Today, I was reminded of how we "forget" in this busy human experience. When we dream we feel it is so real and alive and we are so deep that when we wake back up to the here and now we realize that if we had never woken up we wouldn't have missed a thing. Everything would just continue on and everything would be ok.

I was reminded this by listening to other peoples NDE (near death experiences) and the part that stuck with me the most was the feelings of LOVE and everything being ok and the ALIVENESS we forget is who we are. How we feel so connected to that which we are in every other soul and living things such as nature. We do not feel separate. How when we are loved there we don't want to come back because this world is so dense and harsh. BUT my ah ha moment is what I really want to share with you.

We keep choosing to come to this earth plane over and over NOT because of Karma. Nope not for tit for tat because of past lives. We keep choosing to come back to this earth plane so we can REMEMBER who we really are and how we are really connected and to LOVE everyone and everything as we know it is supposed to be in the spiritual releam! We are supposed to wake up inside this dream and anchor that love that exisitence onto this plane so that eventually we will LITERALLY have heaven on earth.

Unconditional love and a pain free existence will eventually exist on this planet in divine time. I am just here to remind plant a seed in you...that you are not this busy life we live you are PURE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and you keep coming back to this challenging place to wake others up so we can all bring that back here! We have a job and that job starts with you remembering who you are and where you come from and why you are really here. Don't keep falling back into sleep like we do with our dreams that lull us ever night. Take the steps needed to get your heart, brain, and soul all aligned so you can bring about this task on this earth plane faster!

To some I may sound crazy but it's ok eventually in the right time those who feel this post will amplify it and in time we will ALL remember and achieve that which we are meant to.

So start finding mindful things to do that turn your monkey brain off. Things that please you. Start loving the very person you hate most and having compassion for their story and where they came from and watch magic happen. Start loving and loving and loving and watch the world change around you.

I love you all and my only job right now is to wake you up to who you are by helping you become self aware.

If you got to this part! We are on the same path...and I promise it will be worth it ❤

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