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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

Everything is changing so

Updated: May 1

It’s time…

As a spark of consciousness living out this here and now moment, in this unique body, and specific storyline we chose as our souls contract, we are here merely for the experience. From the perspective of our human body and souls contract it becomes more complicated. Humans are complicated. Our minds and emotions in this realm complicate our stories we chose to live out. So yes, we may merely be here for the experience but now that we are here living this complicated existence we long for that which our soul is most comfortable with. It goes by so many words in our human languages; home, god, all encompassing unconditional love. What is the path that leads us to this longing? All paths lead home. Eventually but we are in times of accelerated consciousness and the path we are on is no longer going to work for us. Our dramas are all played out. We’ve been there and done that and we still long that which we rarely know the name of. So if our collective consciousness is ascending and we have to keep up, what do we need to do to shift our soul's current experience and match the energy of our new world? We’ve been there done that is all played out so we need to shift to the frequency of transparency and authenticity.

What? We lived a life that has piled on layers of shame, guilt, trauma, rejection, and fear. These human emotions and subconscious conditionings are our safety armor. Why in the world would I want to take that armor off so that I can literally expose myself to more pain? Many of us are comfortable in our pain. We know it so well and it can not surprise us anymore than it already has but if we allow ourselves to be transparent we will not survive. Well crumble up and die. Boohoo! Same old story and it’s not gotten us anywhere. So let’s pivot a little bit and try to let our shield down long enough while we see how vulnerability looks on us. If we put on our vulnerability cloak we need to test it out by being transparent. What is transparency? Let me be transparent and show you what it looks like.

I am Lori Marie Silva. I grew up in the bay area California and was born with a cleft lip and a cleft palate. I had many surgeries before I was even able to walk. When I started getting my teeth as a young child one grew through the roof of my mouth leading to more surgeries with a room full of doctors staring at me while I sat in a chair in a dark board room and they discussed my problem. All of that took my innocent free nature away and I was deeply traumatized. By the time I was 7 I had started putting on weight and I created a new problem for myself. Already not really feeling loved or special because of what I had gone through now I felt ugly and fat as well. You can only imagine how the story goes as I grew up. My voice is different from everyone else's, my mouth and teeth are deformed, and I have never been able to keep the weight off very long. I have had only one serious relationship because I never felt safe enough to let anyone in for very long. I grew up with an old school hypercritical parent and a passive emotionally and physically unavailable father who blatantly chose his new wife over his children. I hide. I have lived an existence that is the furthest from transparency. I only let people see what I am comfortable within myself with. Until now. My issues are just a story I have chosen to live out. They didn’t get me to that longing of home or unconditional love. I understand what unconditional love is and I love very unconditionally but I have not been open to receiving. I have been the giver. Until now. 

I have learned that in these new times our planet it's ascending. In order to match its frequency and learn and grow to that which I long for I must do something that I have never done before. I must be transparent and my full unapologetic authentic self. I need to know that I am the embodiment of love and I have value in this world and in order to receive it I must be transparent and my authentic self. How else can I let anyone in if they don’t see I am even here? How else can someone love me if they don’t know who I really am? By embracing this new found frequency in life I have accumulated true freedom and power. I can not be hurt by others if I am transparent because they see me as myself and if they do not like it that is their problem but the ones who do like it will see me for me and feel welcomed and invited and so goes the new phase of life. 

I have no idea if this new way of living out this story will work in my favor but I do know that now I can let love into my life and we'll see where the rest of the story goes from there. God is the purest frequency and we can see and feel it for exactly what it is. God, the angels, the divine, source or whatever you call it…is not hidden behind a facade…we recognize it, we know what it is. So if we are all a spark of god living as a piece of consciousness in this body longing for home, how are we going to find it in others if we can’t see it in ourselves? We are god, we are love, we are light, we are home….so shine bright my limitless friends. I want to see all of you! I love you.

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