Astrology Chart Services
"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you". -Dane Rudhyar
When ordering your natal chart report please provide your birthday, birth year, birth time, and birth location city, state, and country. An email will be sent within 24hrs with your order confirmation and payment options.
The stars have a lot to say about who we are and sometimes it shows us things we do not consciously notice until it is pointed out to us in times of self reflection. Lori Marie will email you a copy of your Solar Return Chart which is calculated as the moment the sun returns to exact degree as the moment of your first breath. Using the Solar Return chart we can look at what expect in your current or future birth year. When ordering your Solar Return report please provide your birthday, birth year, birth time, and birth location city, state, country, and where you were located on your most recent birthday. An email will be sent within 24hrs with your order confirmation and payment options